Thank you for completing our level test!

This is your level of English:

  • 0-7 Beginner: Pochissima o nessuna conoscenza della lingua. Consigliamo un corso base di “Essential English”
  • 8-12 Elementary: Your English is very limited. A course of “Survival English” will prepare you quickly for most everyday situations.
  • 13-15 Cambridge Ket. School English: An English course on this level will help you learn more words and improve your oral fluency.
  • 16-19 Intermediate: You can surive in most situations but your knowledge of vocabulary and idioms is limited. Time to move up!
  • 20-22 Cambridge Pet: You have a good Intermediate level of English. Improve your level fast with a course aimed at European qualifications,
  • 23-25: Your level of English is at least a high Intermediate.

Come into Lord Byron for a more detailed test to find out exactly what your level is and all the different types of courses available to bring you up to an advanced level and give you an internationally recognised certification.

Per ulteriori informazioni, puoi contattarci allo 0805232686 o venire a trovarci dalle 9,30 alle 20,30 nonstop da lunedì a venerdì e sabato dalle 9,30 alle 12,30.

At Lord Byron, there’s a course for you!

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